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21-Day Sugar Reset Program


Join the free 21-Day Sugar Reset Program!

If you want to make healthier food changes and reduce your sugar intake, the best way to start is to join my 21-Day Sugar Reset Program. It's not a challenge. I'm not a fan of food challenges. I see it as a lifestyle movement towards better health.

It's also not a sugar-free diet. Sugar-free diets won't help you lose weight if it is not associated with an overall calorie deficit. Instead, the 21- Day Sugar Reset Program is to help you reduce consuming processed foods. The program aims to help you change your pallet and appreciate natural and nutrient-rich goods. In 21-days, you work towards reducing sugar cravings and break the dependence on sugary foods.

Benefits of reducing sugar

Excessive sugar in the diet has been linked to obesity and a higher risk of chronic diseases.

Preventing Osteoporosis

According to research by Missouri Medicine, an overconsumption of sugar has the potential to increase the risk of osteoporosis by

  1. increasing the urinary excretion of both calcium and magnesium

  2. reducing the intestinal absorption of calcium by lowering the levels of active vitamin D, and

  3. impairing bone formation by reducing osteoblast

White crystal, sugar, may lead to osteoporosis by increasing inflammation, hyperinsulinemia, increased renal acid load, reduced calcium intake, and increased urinary calcium excretion. Sugar, not salt, is the more likely white crystal to be a risk factor for osteoporosis when overconsumed.

Reducing Belly Fat

Although the research has no definitive answer if reducing sugar will help reduce belly fat, a new study does find that even a modest reduction in eating carbohydrate foods may help lose deep belly fat.

It's important to reduce belly fat because abdominal obesity raises the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Sugar can also create an inflammatory response in the body, putting the body in a stressed-out state. When the body experiences inflammation and stress, the preferred storage site for fat is in and around the belly.

Not only does sugar promote this fat storage, but sugar and refined carbs spike insulin levels in the body, which signals the body to store fat. When we eat refined carbohydrates, they are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.

Less Sugar Today, Less Fat Tomorrow

Another research from Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) found that sugar intake over the 20-year period was related to fat volumes later in life. Higher intakes of both sugar-sweetened beverages and added sugar were related to greater fat stores around organs. Consuming too much sugar and sugary drinks is related to a higher amount of fat tissue, and these fat deposits are connected with higher risks of heart disease and diabetes.

21-Day Sugar Reset Program

The Program is simple and free to join!

We pay attention to portion size. We emphasize complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and lean protein. Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates such as white bread, refined-grain pasta, and sugary drinks. Replace saturated fats, and trans fats with polyunsaturated fats can also help.

One good place to begin is to reduce sugary drinks — and not just soda, but juices. Again, as you can see, we are not removing any food group. It doesn't make sense. Instead, if you like your coke, we suggest having it once a week instead of daily.

Good Sugar, Bad Sugar, Good Carb, Bad Carb

But please remember, carbs or sugar don't make you fat. There is no such thing as a good sugar or a bad carb. The overconsumption of any food or food group and lack of physical activity does!

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