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Fitness After 40: What's the best plan?


What's the best fitness plan if you're over 40?

Let's start with being honest with ourselves. If you're over forty and you've been the occasional gym-goer, you may not the results you want. Don't despair. All not is all lost. You can, and it's true. You can be the best you can be. The progress may be slower and recovery harder.

One thing is for sure, exercising after 40 is a necessity. It is essential to add workouts that are targeted to your changing body and slowed metabolism levels. That's because as we age, it's normal to experience muscle loss, stubborn belly fat and reduced energy levels.

After 40 Fitness Plan

Now, before you dive into this basic and generic plan, remember this is a generic fitness plan, and it may help you, it may not, or you may need to adjust it. Everyone is different.

The same nutritional tips for staying in shape and optimizing muscle definition in your 20s and 30s apply in your 40s and older.

Exercise for Weight Loss Over 40

Again, generally speaking, you'll most likely need three types of exercise to slim down, tone up, and stay healthy. The three we're talking about are Cardiovascular exercise, Strength training, and stretching and, ideally, all three activities in a weekly program.

It could like this: Monday is strength training with post stretching, Tuesday would be cardio session with stretching, Wednesday could be all three activities.

Each type of exercise provides unique weight loss benefits.

  • Cardiovascular activity: Also called aerobic activity, cardio helps you maintain heart health and burn more calories during each session.

  • Flexibility training: Maintain healthy joints and decrease stress by stretching. Flexibility training can also help you reduce ageing-related pain that might be sabotaging your workout regimen.

  • Strength training: This helps you to burn more calories all day long. Muscles require more energy to maintain, so your metabolism will benefit when you build them. Muscles also help to shape a tighter physique.

You'll want to spend a minimum of 30 minutes each day on a physical activity that includes one or all three exercises of stretching, cardio, and strength training to see real changes in the way your body looks and feels.

Weightloss with a fitness plan for over 40

If you're aiming to lose weight also, then the first step is to set a goal. You'll want to track everything you're eating. We all know it. Fad diets don't work. And, we all want to eat the foods we love but in moderation. Start with a clear plan for long-term health, well-being, weight loss, and weight maintenance.

The best diet is paying attention to portion control, removing sugar drinks, increasing your intake of fibre-rich foods, eating more protein, and having only modest servings of healthy fats. Also, be mindful of when you get the munchies. Tracking your daily food intake helps, and having a buddy support system is also beneficial.

Remember, regardless of how hard we exercise, if our diet is poor, we will never actually see muscles or improve our trouble spots unless we make sound nutritional choices.

The Best Workouts for Women Over 40

Many women in their 40s experience perimenopause, during which estrogen levels start to drop. According to a recent study, there's a direct connection between our body weight regulation and estrogen levels. When levels are too low can lead to fat storage, a lower metabolic rate and weight gain.

Also, when we have lower estrogen levels can cause our bone cells to break down, which can lead to osteoporosis. We lose bone density, which is why we need to exercise more in our 40s, not less.

Resistance training or any exercise causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance, as our body weight in yoga or Eccentric training is essential.

According to Pamela Peeke, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, one of the most important factors that affect metabolism is muscle mass. As women get older, muscle mass tends to decrease.

So go out and buy those weights and I'll see you in class. Start slow and make small changes that become habitual.

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